Connection: 49-Day Zen Training Period, 2024

Many of us feel a lack of genuine connection in our busy, modern world – full of exchanges driven by self-interests and desired efficiency. Most of us recognize the daily experiences, relationships, and chance encounters that “give life” (or not). We may have heard that daily meditation and consistent training practice are important, yet we struggle to make time or place value, without judgment relative to our expectations (e.g., Am I better today than yesterday?). 

Zen training may be lonely, as in life, but that doesn't mean we're ever really alone. Relationships are the invisible and constantly changing threads that connect all things — also known as sunyata (emptiness, or the source). How can we experience that? Can we feel what it means to "give life" to the present moment, without thought of giving or receiving? Are we willing to boldly ask and honestly answer: "Is this a relationship or a transaction?" Let's commit to sit together over 49 days and explore how we shift our focus towards “relationship over transaction” and "practice (or process) over reaching a goal.” 

During the 49-day practice period, we invite you to commit to daily zazen (Zen meditation) and another practice or relationship you’d like to consistently work with, including with a person, community, or process (e.g., writing). We’ll help deepen and reinforce your practice with 6 online discussion sessions around the theme of relationship and practice with Chosei Zen teachers. You can also join optional classes (intro to zazen, hara development, sound) and intensive trainings. At the end of the 7 weeks, you’ll come away with a sense of how cutting the loop of self-centered thinking frees us up to live more authentically, joyfully, and creatively in the world.


When is it?  January 28 - March 16, 2024

  • Daily Zazen occurs online twice daily in the US and Europe

  • A schedule of Connection 49-Day discussions and events is here and below


Who’s it for?

This training is for existing students of Chosei Zen and the Institute for Zen Leadership, new students, and experienced meditation practitioners who are open to learning more about our style of Zen training and willing to make a commitment to recharging their practice during this period.

What’s Involved?

  • Make a commitment to sit daily zazen (sitting meditation), at least 30 minutes/day, ideally joining us in the Chosei Zen Virtual Dojo. 

  • Additionally, choose to work with another practice (e.g., 30 minutes per day, or twice per week) or a relationship with a person, community, process (e.g., writing) you’d like to deepen.

  • Join weekly discussions led by our Zen teachers to explore how we shift focus towards “relationship over transaction” and "practice (or process) over reaching a goal.” Recordings available to registered participants.

  • Optional: 

Who’s Teaching?

The Connection 49-day training is led by six Zen masters in the Chosei Zen lineage of Rinzai Zen, brought to the West by Omori Sogen Roshi and Tenshin Tanouye Roshi.


Gordon Hakuun Greene

Abbott of Chosei Zen, founder of the Spring Green Dojo; teaches with nature and gravity, calligraphy, and the senses; emphasizes the manual labor of Zen meditation and helping people, including health care professionals, learn to face suffering.


Kenneth Setsuzan Kushner

Abbott Emeritus and founder of Chosei Zen; head of the Chozen-ji School of Kyudo (Zen Archery); psychologist and Professor Emeritus, University of Wisconsin; emphasizes development of the psycho-physical-spiritual center, hara.


Ginny Jiko Whitelaw

Founder of the Institute for Zen Leadership; embodied leadership expert, teaches through the lens of leadership, energy, nature, and the science of resonance.


Heather Meikyo Scobie

Founder of the Chosei Zen Virtual Dojo; public health expert; emphasizes sound training, ways to lead your own training and strengthen solo practice.


Rebecca Yakumei Ryan 

Board Chair of Chosei Zen; leads Zen Leadership programs; a futurist, economist and strategist; teaches through the lens of social change and creating a future we want.


Andy Seizan Robins

Hospital Chaplain at Royal United Hospitals Bath; represents Chaplaincy team in Oncology and Palliative Care; a daily face at the Wandering Ox Dojo; emphasizes deep physical training.

What else?

  • If you’re new to our Rinzai style of meditating with its emphasis on hara breathing, posture, concentration, and no extraneous movement, consider joining our introductory class or familiarizing yourself with some resources. Even if you’re a seasoned meditator, you may find these methods re-energize your practice.

  • You’re welcome to participate in other programs of the Chosei Zen Virtual Dojo during this time.

  • The Connection 49-day training period is offered on a donation basis. What’s a typical donation? Something you can afford; some think of it in terms of a cup of coffee ($2-$5) per day.

What now?

  • Register for the 49-Day Training to be sent the schedule, link for online discussions, and more information.

  • Consider the commitment you want to make for this 49-day period. We suggest selecting no more than two practices, or a practice and relationship, during this during this short time. 

  • If you’re new, register below for online Daily Zazen (ongoing) and Intro to Zazen (Feb 4 or Mar 3). We have instructions, video and other resources here; please also see our FAQ.


US: 7-7:30 AM CST (Daily), 8:30-9 PM CST (Mon-Thu)

Europe: 7-7:30 am CET (Daily), 9:30-10 pm CET (Sun-Thu)


1st Sun of month, 10-11:30 am CST / 5-6:30 pm CET


Schedule of Events

 Thank you for reading and we hope you’ll join us.